Hi Konrad,

Le 21/03/2020 à 10:52, Ilmari Lauhakangas a écrit :
> Konrad K. kirjoitti 21.3.2020 klo 9.54:
>> Where i can found panel admin in pootle to add new translators and change
>> privilages?
> Pootle is going away, so you should not use it.
> Regarding Weblate: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/WeblateGuide#Roles
> "When we were using Pootle, each language team had an administrator who
> was able to manage team's roles. In Weblate, it is currently not
> possible, you need to ask either on the l10n mailing list or ask Sophi
> directly."

Yes, as Ilmari said, please let me know the names in Weblate and the
role you want them to have, I'll set them.


Sophie Gautier sophie.gaut...@documentfoundation.org
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IRC: sophi
Foundation coordinator
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