Hi Milos, *,

On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 6:01 PM Milos Sramek <sramek.mi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> are we sure that this is not a symptom of some serious problem?

Symptom of a different problem: yes. Serious: not really (from my POV).

The problem is that there is not much context in terms of
sourcelocation in those strings. The only info is
"filename.htmltag-hierarchy.linenumber" but no other context. So there
is some guessing involved in what did change, and with little
information to work with there will be misses.
Even more so since multiple locations with same string are condensed
into a single string to translate.

So to improve this the pot file would need to have more info in it -
and for that the html file would have more info to extract/make use

If this is regarded as too annoying, I can disable keeping of old
source strings when updating with new pots from the repository for the
liboonline-help project.


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