Hi Naruhiko,
Le 25/02/2020 à 13:54, Naruhiko Ogasawara a écrit :
> Hello,
> We, Japanese translator community, noticed that a user [0]
> submit a lot of incorrect JA translations.
> (For example, Japanese native speakers do not translate
> the word "Python" to "パイソン," because it's a technical
> term usually written in English [1])
> Of course, it's good to 100% translation coverage, and we
> can understand that he/she wants to become JA translation
> close to 100% (I don't want to blame him/her).
> But here in the Japanese market, typical users prefer there
> are some English remains than having wrong translated
> words; the software which has wrong translations seems
> not to a professional tool, at least our culture.
> So, in the Pootle era, Japanese project doesn't allow direct
> submission (except for limited accounts; reviewers).
> Can Weblate do as same for Japanese projects?

I'll restrict his rights, might be inherited from Pootle.
I'll ping you off list to check all the translators and their role for
your project.


Sophie Gautier sophie.gaut...@documentfoundation.org
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