Hi Valter, *,

On Wed, Jan 22, 2020 at 9:25 PM Valter Mura <valterm...@libreoffice.org> wrote:
> Il 21/01/20 10:25, sophi ha scritto:
> - We could want to upload a TM, but they are very large in size (maybe
> 10 MB and more). Is it possibile to work on this aspect? I got an error
> while trying to upload one.

Weblate's own TM has too bad performance for a project structure like
we have for LibreOffice.

Depending on the nature of the TM, I can add it to the amagama
instance, but if it is old translations from pootle, then those are
already available. (and for strings that were translated in weblate,
the builtin machine translation tab should also work just fine.

> - Also, it should be possible to download a "general", or "per project"
> Translation Memory?

See above, we're not using weblate's translation memory. And for our
case there is no distinction anyway, since all is a single
project/everything is related (so I don't see the need for having it
"per project" - why would you only have a TM for 6-4 but not for 6-3
and master?)

That again of course due to the way we have weblate setup, with
branches being on their own project because of the number of
individual components we have, and not the standard way of having the
different branches within a project.


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