sophi (<>) kirjutas 23.12.2019 kell 11:54:

> Hi Mihail,
> Le 22/12/2019 à 21:42, Mihail Balabanov a écrit :
> > Hi,
> >
> > Pootle had a feature that let me report a typo or other issue with the
> > original string directly in the web interface while translating. What
> will
> > be the respective workflow in Weblate?
> There is no such way to report a string in Weblate, but send me the
> permalink of the string and tell me the typos you found (in English :)

Actually there is! :)
If you select some kind of notification for "New comment" at (can
be done for all projects or also only specific projects), then you get an
email when someone adds a source string comment (or a comment on a language
which you translate).

Maybe it would make sense to create a "dummy" account on Weblate for this
mailing list and then subscribe that account for comments on Weblate...

Best regards,
Estonian translator

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