Hi All
Maybe these typos has been already reported, but anyway. Sorry for the
file path, it has copied for the local files during translation,
presently all strings are from Help section:
Comment: Fca5T
File: 02100001.xhp
Context: 02100001.xhp\n par_id3147317\n help.text
Now it reads:
"tre{1,2}" marches "tre" and "tree".
Should correct to read:
"tre{1,2}" matches "tre" and "tree".
Comment: fwVhN
File: src:/ref_pdf_export_general.xhp
Context: ref_pdf_export_general.xhp\n tit\n help.text
Now it reads:
PDEF Export General
(I suppose) it should correct to read:
PDF Export General
Comment: mjH5D
File: src:/ref_pdf_export_links.xhp
Context: ref_pdf_export_links.xhp\n tit\n help.text
Now it reads:
Is the string correct???
Comment: 3eeD9
File: src:/01170101.xhp
Context: 01170101.xhp\n par_id3150084\n help.text
Now it reads:
control field.</ahelp> otherwise
Should correct to read:
control field.</ahelp> Otherwise
Comment: 3iBZF
File: src:/10040000.xhp
Context: 10040000.xhp\n par_id3155805\n help.text
Now it reads:
Icon Lat Page
Should correct to read:
Icon Last Page
Comment: 3CbGE
File: src:/cellreferences.xhp
Context: cellreferences.xhp\n par_id3147383\n help.text
Now it reads:
Excel A1 ot R1C1 formula
Should correct to read:
Excel A1 or R1C1 formula
Comment: pouDz
File: src:/classificationbar.xhp
Context: classificationbar.xhp par_id030820161747137522 help.text
Now it reads:
Should correct to read:
classification path
Comment: qJugC
File: src:/03090600.xhp
Context: 03090600.xhp par_id3145802 help.text
Now it reads:
for <emph>%PRODUCTNAME</emph> <emph>Math</emph> formulas
Should correct to (better) read:
for <emph>%PRODUCTNAME Math</emph> formulas
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