Hi, all,

commits like this one:
introduce new strings. The string freeze was with the release of RC1, which
was pulled out on December 18. The mentioned commit was made on December
20. I did comment on the issue.

Programmers are not aware of the string freeze and implications of not
abiding it. How is the communication with the l10n teams handled in such

I propose two :
- setting a (rigorous) protocol in case there are urgent changes *after*
the string freeze (if there already is a protocol in place, let's write it
down, put it on wiki, get it out of the drawer and make it visible etc.);
the decision to allow such changes should involve the estimate of
additional work/overhead for the l10n teams and the number of new/updated
strings, how near the planned release date is etc., the persons deciding,
required announcements on this list to make l10n happen in time;
- at the moment of release (when there is string freeze, as it happened on
December 18th 2019,
https://dev-builds.libreoffice.org/pre-releases/src/?C=M&O=D) post an
automated message on the developers' list (it can be same text, just the
dates and release/code version updated) and maybe a notification on gerrit,
if possible?; it notifies coders that string freeze for X.Y (RC1) is in
effect, and mentions/links to the only way a new string can be introduced -
the protocol mentioned in the above step; also the term "string freeze"
should be explained.

Obviously even senior coders are not aware what this means for l10n teams
and the rules are really not that clear.


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