Hi Sophi
One more question.
Why do I have to choose my lanquage after choosing search.
Can't it use my lanquage as a default?
Regards, Kees
sophi schreef op 11.12.2019 10:39:
Hi Kees,
Le 11/12/2019 à 10:07, kees...@libreoffice.org a écrit :
I see that searching is changed.
I can no more choose for "Exact match"
And I can no more choose my language, so the result are in all
Maybe I do something wrong?
So Christian has upgraded to version 3.9.1 and the search has changed.
To search the keyID UJ5WP for example, I did:
- Choose UI project,
- Select Dutch
- Click on the Search button
- Enter comment:UJ5WP in the Query field
- Click on Search button
--> I get the result in your language.
If you go to the Advanced query builder, you have examples of the
syntax. For example in the drop down list, instead of Source string
select Comment Strings and in Search for, enter UJ5WP and then click on
ADD. You'll see that in the Query field you have now comment:UJ5WP
Sophie Gautier sophie.gaut...@documentfoundation.org
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