
it seems that this is a similar request as I mentioned here few days ago:

Would it be a solution for you?


pá 13. 12. 2019 v 11:07 odesílatel Milos Sramek <sramek.mi...@gmail.com> napsal:
> Hi,
> In translation of the Help (and also the Tip-od-the-day strings) one
> often needs to look up translation of UI strings. There are two options
> how to do that: open LO and find the string there, and to search for the
> string directly in Weblate. Both are cumbersome.
> There seems to be a third option.
> The LO manuals are translated using OmegaT. There, one can upload UI
> translation to its vocabulary and OmegaT then highlights matches
> directly in the translated text - one can choose the right one by mouse
> click. This is very efficient and it ensures that the translations are
> correct.
> I think that something similar can be achieved also in Weblate. I have
> imported 16000 string pairs in vocabulary (there was no problem with
> that) and when translating a string, I get a list of suggestions I can
> choose from. For example, when translating the string
> /To start temporarily with a fresh user profile, or to restore a
> non-working %PRODUCTNAME, use////Help > Restart in Safe Mode/.
> I can find there translation of /Restart in Safe Mode/. I can transfer
> its translation to the editor by a mouse click.
> The problem here is that the algorithm behind vocabulary is very simple
> - it finds occurrences of each word in the translated string in all
> vocabulary entries. Thus for the string above I get 2000+ suggestions. I
> can find the right translation by searching in the browser for the
> source string. This is not optimal, but still better then the two
> possibilities mentioned above.
> I thing that the search algorithm can be modified easily so that it
> returns only useful matches - I would like to create an issue regarding
> that in Weblate's github. If one uses just a standard vocabulary (a list
> of translation of single words), no change would be visible.
> What do you think about this option? Do you also find it useful?
> Cheers
> Milos
> --
> email & jabber: sramek.mi...@gmail.com
> --
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