Hi Milos,

On Tue, Nov 12, 2019 at 9:18 AM Milos Sramek <sramek.mi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've started to translate the recently added LOOL strings. There a two,
> which I do not understand:
> 1. Insert column and row breaks in the spreadsheet to narrow the print
> range and print the document to download. On printing the PDF, select
> the pages of interest.
> I have no idea what this means.

If you want to print a specific area of the spreadsheet, you can set the
print range by inserting column and row breaks – I think this is what it is

> 2.
> Start cross copy/paste
> What does 'cross' here mean?

Usually it's OK to translate this as 'Start copy/paste'.  Cross means that
it's not an internal copy&paste, but we download the content, put it to
system clipboard (we need to ask for user's permission to do that) etc.

Best regards,

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