Hi Andras,

On Wed, Nov 6, 2019 at 3:43 PM Andras Timar <tima...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I updated LibreOffice Online pot files this week, especially there is a
> large chunk of new help text. Could you please update Pootle?

Triggered the update

> I've already copy&pasted existing Spanish translation of this new help, so
> it woud be good to import help-es.po to Pootle, as is.

You still should have admin access on pootle, so you should be able to
upload the file to pootle

> I also have have Portoguese (Brazil) translation, I'll either copy&paste it
> to Pootle, or give it to the translator for reference.

Same for that - but instead of me uploading the file directly, I'll cc
Olivier & Adolfo to have a look…


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