On Fri, Sep 6, 2019 at 11:17 AM Grzegorz Kulik <gregorykku...@gmail.com> wrote:
> We piōntek, 6 wrz 2019 ô godzinie 10:34, sophi (so...@libreoffice.org)
> Not exactly, you said you'd "keep me updated". You never said you'd get
> back to me when it's done.

Pretty sure in one of the various channels it was written that it
would be added for the 6.3.1 release.
And this is what happened.

> You gave me a vague statement that "Christian will provide the lang
> pack", so first I waited, then sent him two emails, and got no answer.

Because I don't see a point in duplicating stuff or repeating stuff
that had already been stated.
And especially surprised to get complaint apparently without checking.



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