Hi Donald,

On Wed, Mar 27, 2019 at 9:38 PM Donald <donr2...@fastmail.fm> wrote:

> I noticed that there is no spell checker for Esperanto in LO.
> (I use the extension mentioned at:
> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Language_support_of_LibreOffice).
> It would be good if users could enable Esperanto spell checking in the
> same way that one can enable many other language.
> What is the relationship between (Hunspell) spell checkers and
> extensions in the same language?
> Esperanto is not mentioned on the Development/Dictionaries page:
> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/Dictionaries
> or in the linked page:
> https://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/dictionaries/tree/
> I can supply a pair of Hunspell files (.aff and .dic) for Esperanto
> based on the Esperanto thesaurus at PuzzleFoundry.com produced in
> collaboration with Kris van der Merwe. The .dic file contains over 26000
> words.
> How should I proceed?
You are right, there are many more dictionary extensions on various sites,
than "internal" dictionaries in LibreOffice source code.

For the internal dictionaries, the situation is different case by case.
Sometimes the dictionary has an upstream repository, and maintainer  send
patch to LibreOffice or ask a developer to create a patch based on a new
release. In other cases the dictionary was committed once and it is
unmaintained in LibreOffice.

In case of Esperanto, I see at least two upstream versions on
Did I understand you well, that you would like to submit a 3rd one?

Best regards,
Andras Timar

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