HI Noel

Thanks for the comments.

Em 22/10/2018 08:29, Noel Grandin escreveu:
> Hi
> Seems like a nice idea in general.
> Just a couple of notes:
>> <paragraph role="tip" id="123456" xml-lang="en-US" localize="true">
> Should localize=true not just be the default? so it only needs to be
> specified for the occasional chunk of text that is lanuage-neutral?

Correct. localize="true" is currently the default and was mentioned for

> Similarly, should xml-lang="en-US" not just be specified in some tag
> near the root of the document, and everything else inherits that setting?

This attribute is not used in the current Help. It defines the source
language for translation, string-wise. But since we stick to English
here it is not effective and is left for legacy.


We can define it in the root of the document, but I'll refrain to do a
massive change unless we can do it silently to prevent triggering

> Perhaps these are already in place, and I just didn't see it - either
> way, keep up the good work!

Thanks for the comments and kind words.


Olivier Hallot
LibreOffice Documentation Coordinator
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Rio de Janeiro - Brasil - Local Time: UTC-03:00

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