Hi *,

On Mon, Oct 9, 2017 at 12:38 PM, diego maniacco <diego.mania...@siag.it> wrote:
> Suggestion from Krunose looks a good compromise::
> "No translation should be removed. Whatever changes in original string, mark
> translation as fuzzy and leave (old) translation in there. "
> What about that?

that also is the case, in the from of obsolete strings, just that the
not-used strings are not exported from pootle webinterface, but only
in on-disk files. However as gettext migration changed
filenames/merged multiple ones into a messages.po, this is not true
for all files in the export - but for those cases you have the libo54
projects - that is what master was before it was updated - so no need
to worry about having lost translations or not being able to access


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