Hi Dwayne,
Le 15/06/2017 à 16:41, Dwayne Bailey a écrit :
> On 14 June 2017 at 10:42, Olivier Hallot <olivier.hal...@libreoffice.org>
> wrote:
>> Hi Jean-Baptiste
>> Em 14/06/2017 03:03, Jean-Baptiste Faure escreveu:
>>> Hi,
>>> For example in each string like bnHLi or u3nsA (Option VBASupport
>>> Statement [Runtime]), Pootle does not accept I translate [Runtime]
>>> ([Exécution] in French).
>>> If I translate this file sbasic/shared.po offline, I guess I will have a
>>> lot of false positive errors in Pootle.
>>> What can I do to fix that ?
>>> Best regards.
>>> JBF
>> Is it because "[Runtime]" is seen as a placeholder? If affirmative, you
>> may silence it by clicking on the red (-) sign in the top right of the
>> string area. False positives are very frequent in pootle+LibreOffice.
> We really do like eliminating false positives, specifically the critical
> (red) ones.  Too many false positives and people ignore tests.
> It might be worth reviewing this data
> https://github.com/translate/translate/blob/master/translate/filters/checks.py#L1992-L1995
> as I'm not familiar anymore as to which variable styles are relevant now
> that LibreOffice uses PO files.  Eliminating `("[", "]")` might eliminate a
> whole class of false positive variable warnings.
> Also please let us know if checks don't apply to your language, e.g.
> accelerators. Or if they ned to behave differently, quoting.  And we have
> some examples of Romanian checks so you are able to create custom language
> specific checks (if you can code in Python).

Thanks a lot Dwayne, I'll have a look to the data during next week and
give you my feedback.

Sophie Gautier sophie.gaut...@documentfoundation.org
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