Hi Jean Baptiste, all

In this case, using 'Format' in the UI is as good as using 'Text'? The
'Text' context group has format commands actually.

The UI string is "itYPs".




Em 15/01/2017 14:39, Jean-Baptiste Faure escreveu:
> Hi All,
> Comment: ZFCGB
> File: notebook_bar.xhp
> Context:  notebook_bar.xhp par_id190920161744067802 help.text
> Now it reads:
> <emph>Contextual groups</emph> – The notebook bar is divided into 4
> groups. The File, Clipboard and *Format* groups are fixed. [...]
> The Format group does not exist, instead we have the Text group, so
> should correct to read:
> <emph>Contextual groups</emph> – The notebook bar is divided into 4
> groups. The File, Clipboard and Text groups are fixed. [...]
> Best regards.

Olivier Hallot
LibreOffice Documentation Coordinator
Comunidade LibreOffice 
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil - Local Time: UTC-02:00

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