Hi Modestas,
Le 27/12/2016 à 10:25, Modestas Rimkus a écrit :
> Hi,
> can someone confirm what is the number of new words for 5.3? I got more
> than 5.3k of untranslated words in master for Lithuanian after the update,
> which is a bit demotivating. Still hope something might have gone wrong
> during the update process :)
> https://translations.documentfoundation.org/projects/libo_ui still displays
> the old number of untranslated words - 2502 (and old total number as well -
> 100 863).
> As soon as I open the language page (
> https://translations.documentfoundation.org/lt/libo_ui), the number of
> untranslated words changes to 7863 (and total to 101 784). Confusing...
For French, I have the same count of 100 532 for both. Templates shows
99 885 for both too.
I think this is the same bug Andras was talking about. Be aware also
that some languages have not been updated against template the last
time, so both may have an effect.
There is still about a month to go on with translation and still 5.3.0
will not be for production, hope that will let us time to catch up
without too much pressure.

Sophie Gautier sophie.gaut...@documentfoundation.org
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The Document Foundation

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