On 24/12/16 16:54, Gabor Kelemen wrote:
Hi Yuri
This is on the new Page side pane. Under the Header and Footer sections
you can set the spacing using these preset values from the dropdown
list. There are similar values under the Format section for the page
margin (like Normal 1").
However when you set the spacing like this and then open the Page style
panel you see the spacing value represented in cm.
I see, thanks. But that would depend on the
measurement unit selected, I guess.
I get all my spacings lovingly set in points
converted to centimeters, which tells me nothing.
And some twenty years ago there already existed
DTP apps, capable of remembering a separate
measurement unit for the field.
I'd suggest to change these in the original strings to cm units, or even
to drop them entirely.
I'd say it's better to translate the 'intented'
meaning in this case.
2016-12-23 13:07 keltezéssel, Yury Tarasievich írta:
That would be 4.5 points, in typographic measure, so no, shouldn't
convert that (and please nobody start on there being two kinds of
typographic points )).
Only I wonder what's measured that precisely, in UI?
On 22/12/16 22:39, Olivier Hallot wrote:
I found some measurements in inches in the UI. For example:
spacing.src RID_SVXSTRARY_SPACING Extra Small (1/16") itemlist.text
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