Hi Sophie,
Thanks for your Job, the server seems better now :).
But I noticed, it doesn't suggest the same translations made on the old

Anyway, thanks

2016-12-21 15:52 GMT+01:00 Sophie <gautier.sop...@gmail.com>:

> Hi all,
> The upgrade to the new Pootle version and the migration is over. Really
> sorry for the inconvenience, but it's a very big database we have there.
> Please check that all is in order for you, I've visited all the
> interface but I may have miss something. I'll document the new features
> on the wiki next week.
> Before the migration, several languages were not updated, Cloph will
> trigger a new full update later today (still a task running for the
> moment).
> Let me know if you find anything wrong and thanks so much for your
> patience, I hope you'll enjoy the new functionalities (check the
> comments dialog ;-)
> Cheers
> Sophie
> --
> Sophie Gautier sophie.gaut...@documentfoundation.org
> GSM: +33683901545
> IRC: sophi
> Release coordinator
> The Document Foundation
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