
Mea culpa. I wrote it, I must have left it while I addressed something else.




Em 14/12/2016 10:21, Martin Srebotnjak escreveu:
> These are actually headings of help sections, probably the author left a
> note to herself to check the text in the help?
> Lp, m.
> 2016-12-14 13:05 GMT+01:00 Martin Srebotnjak <mi...@filmsi.net>:
>> There is no sense in adding the option/checkbox text "(check)" at the end.
>> The strings are in cmis-remote-files-setup.xhp, hd_id1508201618160340
>> (ExxYW) and hd_id150820161816049600 (zFFsh).
>> Lp, m.
>> 2016-12-14 12:52 GMT+01:00 Tom Davies <tomc...@gmail.com>:
>>> Hi :)
>>> Is it likely to be a check-box / tick-box ?  I have no idea about the
>>> context and haven't looked it up at all but something about the question
>>> made me wonder if it might be some sort of tick-list or radio buttons or
>>> something of that ilk.
>>> Regards from
>>> Tom :)
>>> On 13 December 2016 at 19:07, Martin Srebotnjak <mi...@filmsi.net> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> in the shared/guide.po file there are several strings in the remote files
>>>> help, where the titles end with "(check)", for example "Connecting to a
>>>> Windows share (check)".
>>>> What does this "(check)" represent/mean?
>>>> Thanks, m.
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