Hi all,

To keep you informed on this, here is an abstract of the ESC meeting:
l10n (Sophie)
    + LibreOffice Online pot files hasn’t been uploaded for 7 weeks
         + huge performance issues, will have an upgrade next week on
               + hope this will solve the perf. problem.
         + translate.za - are working on this (Cloph)
               + doing some test migrations on their systems, if issues
- will fix it.
               + plan is for Thur. if they can solve the performance
issues, so down-time expected to be hours.
         + database needs to be migrated to the new schema (Cloph)
               + the transition to it is the thing that is slow.

Le 06/12/2016 à 12:46, Dwayne Bailey a écrit :
> Hi All,
> A quick heads up from the Pootle developers.
> We're busy testing the migration of the current Pootle database to our
> latest codebase.
> This brings with it a number of improvements, most importantly speed, lots
> of it.  LibreOffice os by far the biggest sized Pootle server we have out
> there and we've been optimising many of the code paths.  The template
> update should also be faster and have less impact.
> So currently we're doing the test migrations and we hope to deploy
> relatively soon.
> Thanks for your patience and I'm sure you'll experience something lightning
> fast in a few days time.
> On 5 December 2016 at 20:15, Anton Meixome <meix...@certima.net> wrote:
>> Me too,
>> I'm feeling so fisherman.. string by string
>> :-)
>> 2016-12-05 7:39 GMT+01:00 Cheng-Chia Tseng <pswo10...@gmail.com>:
>>> Valter Mura <valterm...@libreoffice.org> 於 2016年12月5日 週一 上午2:37寫道:
>>>> Il 04/12/2016 18:04, Giovanni Caligaris ha scritto:
>>>>> Anyone having the same issue?
>>>>> I can bearly do any work.
>>>>> -Gio
>>>> Hi Giovanni
>>>> I agree with you and Leif.
>>> Extremely slow and unbearable.
>>> Offline translation works and saves more time, but uploading fails on
>> some
>>> specific  po files. :S
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>> Antón Méixome - Galician Native Lang Coordination
>> Galician community LibO & AOO
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Sophie Gautier sophie.gaut...@documentfoundation.org
GSM: +33683901545
IRC: sophi
Release coordinator
The Document Foundation

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