Hi Thomas

As Sophie said already, I monitor the changes and the updates of the
help contents.

A quick look at the page


will show you how many changes are already done in the pages (and for
that matter, don't be surprised if the HelpContent2 of LIbreOffice 5.3
will carry a huge number of new/modified strings).

We have a metabug 80430 that collect all existing bugs related to help
contents gaps.


Another quick look there will tell you how much is left to do...

As we all know, we depend on volunteers to pick a help page and update
it, and it is hard to set deadlines in our case. But I can help
newcommers to write help contents.

If you notice a gap between the software and the help page, please open
a bug and make your bug be a blocker of bug 80430 so that it stays in
our list.

And if you want to know if the page is already updated but not yet in
pootle, visit vm173:


where the recent help pages can be displayed.

Feel free to contact us anytime you need.

Kind regards


Em 06/12/2016 13:59, Thomas Hackert escreveu:
> Hello @ll,
> after stumbling upon 
> https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=104410, I was 
> wondering if there are any plans to update the help files to fit the 
> new changed menu entries at any time in the near future. 
> After a short search in Bugzilla, I found Regina's bug 
> (https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=92825) which 
> seems to become some kind of meta bug ... :( And then I found 
> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Documentation/RecentStringChanges,, 
> but both does not say about any plans to adapt the help files as 
> well (and especially when this will happen, so we translators can 
> prepare for the next flood of strings adequately ... ;) ).
> Does anybody of you know a little bit more and can enlighten me, 
> please? So I am able to answer something like "This will be fixed in 
> x.y.z" to one of the next bugs I may find the next time ... ;)
> Thomas.

Olivier Hallot
LIbreOffice Documentation Coordinator
Comunidade LibreOffice 
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil - Local Time: UTC-02:00

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