Hi Leif,
Le 03/12/2016 à 12:59, Leif Lodahl a écrit :
> Hi all,
> This morning I have experienced once more that Pootle is slow. It takes
> more than a minute to save translations and reviews. This has been the
> situation periodically since we started translating 5.3.
> Its very difficult to maintain understanding for these problems among the
> translators as we don't see any real progress or improvements. I know for
> curtain that at least two of my Danish translators has left the community
> for the same reason.

When there is an issue like the one I described last week, translating
off line is still a possibility, there are several tools available that
offers the same comfort as Pootle.
> From my point of view this is a very serious situations because we have
> only very short time to translate each new version and during this period
> we are 100% depending on Pootle.

If you translate on master, you get more time, again there was an issue,
really sorry about the inconvenience, but without it you should have
only very few strings to translate as of now.
> The situation was the same with 5.2 and 5.1 by the way.
> We must come up with a sustainable solution to the translation process and
> if that implies finding another platform than Pootle then we should do so.
> Pootle does NOT currently meet our requirements.

TDF has paid for Pootle enhancements following the L10n team requests.
The upgrade is planed in the next days. And as you know it was not a
Pootle issue that makes it slow all the week end.
> I think its about time localization gets some attention from the community
> management. Otherwise we will loose the strong localization teams.

I think it's not fair to say that. I hear each of your requests and take
care of it each time. I explained why there is an issue and it's still
not finished. So please, accept my apologize, I've monitored Pootle all
the week-end, but I can't accelerate the script unfortunately.


Sophie Gautier sophie.gaut...@documentfoundation.org
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