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-------- Message transféré --------
Sujet : Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Pootle
Date : Thu, 1 Dec 2016 13:32:07 +0100
De : Sophie <>
Pour : Jesper Laugesen <>

Le 01/12/2016 à 09:12, Jesper Laugesen a écrit :
> Den 30-11-2016 kl. 14:23 skrev Sophie:
>> Hi Leif,
>> Le 30/11/2016 à 14:09, Leif Lodahl a écrit :
>>> Hi Sophie,
>>> Sorry to call again, but we are pretty busy translating and AGAIN it
>>> takes
>>> about 40 seconds each time we need to save something.
>>> People are about to give up.
>> I've pinged the infra team, yesterday evening it was working fine, but I
>> just checked and it's quite slow, you're right.
>> Cheers
>> Sophie
> Hi
> (I'm the Danish localiser (?) constantly complaining to Leif...)
> First a thankyou: The speed is much better this morning :)
> Second: Still problems with interface: Approving a suggestion does 1 of
> 3 things (seemingly at random)
> 1. Approves suggestion, moves to next string (expected behaviour)
> 2. Removes the suggestion (it appears to delete the suggestion without
> any further prompts (which would be real bad), but I'm not certain)
> 3. Moves the suggestion to the "edit box" and pops up a javascript
> warning that there are unsaved changes. As far as I can tell, I then
> need to "send" the suggestion for it to be approved.
> Especially the second variation worries me enough to stop working on the
> translation again.

The upgrade to the new version should solve this problem, you will be
able to add comments to suggestions whether you approve them or reject
In the future, please give your feedback on this list, we won't be able
to change or enhance things if we are not aware of them.


Sophie Gautier
GSM: +33683901545
IRC: sophi
Release coordinator
The Document Foundation

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