HI Sophie, Allan

Thanks. Corrected in master.

Kind regards


Em 27/10/2016 07:17, Sophie escreveu:
> Hi Olivier,
> Just forwarding this mail that arrived on the info@list
> Cheers
> Sophie
> -------- Message transféré --------
> Sujet : Fwd: Writer: translation error
> Date : Wed, 26 Oct 2016 20:28:27 -0300
> De : Allan Andrade <allan.ba...@gmail.com>
> Pour : i...@documentfoundation.org
> Hello,
> My name is Allan Andrade, I'm from Salvador-Ba, Brazil.
> I found a translation error in https://help.libreoffice.
> org/Common/General_Shortcut_Keys_in/pt-BR
> English version (right): "A triple-click in a text input field selects the
> entire field. A triple-click in a text document selects the current
> sentence."
> Portuguese version: "Um clique triplo seleciona a linha toda."
> Portuguese version translated to english: "A triple-click selects the
> entire line."
> How and when this issue could be fixed?
> Thanks a lot!
> Best regards,
> Allan Andrade
> (71) 3363-6529 / (71) 8708-4064  (Oi) / (71) 8814-5880 (Tim)
> Skype: allan_andrade

Olivier Hallot
LIbreOffice Documentation Coordinator
Comunidade LibreOffice 
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil - Local Time: UTC-02:00

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