Hi Cor,
Le 24/10/2016 à 13:40, Cor Nouws a écrit :
> Hi Sophie,
> Sophie wrote on 24-10-16 11:04:
>> I've numerous discussions with Jean-Philippe, but usually in French ;-)
>> There is no documentation on on/offline FR l10n on the wiki,
>> Jean-Baptiste is translating online and me is working offline, we
>> coordinate both together when needed.
> We too are looking in possibilities for offline translating.
> As I wrote in my mails from last Saturday (14:51; 15:13), I've searched
> the wiki-pages, but could not find the proper info.

Ha, so nothing to do with French pages.
> Did I simply oversee it? If so: where is it. If not: how can we find out
> how it works?

There is no documentation on the wiki because each tool has his own
for some of them
Then, you download the .po files from Pootle, you translate them via
your preferred tool and upload the files again on Pootle.
Is that what you was searching for?
Sophie Gautier sophie.gaut...@documentfoundation.org
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