Hola Alcides

Glad to know that the work of Giovanni started is now growing. Count on
TDF and the community to help you.

Had you considered to attend/submit a talk to LATINOWARE this year? It
will be an opportunity for the project to be in the triple border major
FOSS event.

Kind regards


Em 03/09/2016 11:12, alcides torres escreveu:
> Hi. My name is Alcides Torres leader team Guaraní
> We started the first working meeting for the new Translation and Validation
> Project of LibreOffice to Guarani.
> The technical team includes:
> - Secretaría de Políticas Lingüísticas (Secretary of Linguistic Policy)
> - Ateneo de Lengua y Cultura Guaraní
> - Instituto Superior de Lenguas y (Higher Institute of Languages) ​; and
> - Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Facultad Politécnica (National
> University of Asuncion Polytechnic Faculty)
> This new challenge seeks to translate approximately 102,000 terms of the
> software.
> In addition we had a video call with Giovanni Caligaris, the project's
> mentor working from Canada.
> Thank you all for the unconditional support. Aguyje, thanks opavavepe!
> Friday 2 September, historical!
> Thank! !

Olivier Hallot
LIbreOffice Documentation Coordinator
Comunidade LibreOffice 
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil - Local Time: UTC-03:00

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