Hi Jean-Philippe, *,

On Sat, Aug 20, 2016 at 6:07 PM, MENGUAL Jean-Philippe
<mengualjean...@free.fr> wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to know if Libreoffice can be translated without Pottle

It's Pootle :-P

>. I
> mean, can I get files,

Yes, you can download the pots from the "templates" language. (or the
(partially) translated po files from existing languages.

> and send them to someone or somewhere for review
> or upload.

It is much easier for release process if you
a) upload your translated files to pootle, even if you don't use the
pootle webinterface
b) upload the changed files to the translation repository yourself.

Having to gather translations from multiple sources basically
guarantees that something will be missed, however if all is in pootle,
your stuff will definitely be used.

And especially if you as for review, then you need to have some tool
at least similar to pootle that allows you to submit
suggestions/review suggestions.

> Can the translation be done continuously?

It is done that way. After 5.2.1 is released, 52 projects will be
created in pootle, just like for 51, 50 and the versions before that,
and master will be updated to reflect the master branch/what will at
some point end up in 5.3.0

> Or it is "block"
> per release (a cycle)?

translations never block. We have English string freeze, but no
translation freeze.  For every bugfix release translations will be


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