I have reposted your comments on the documentation discussion list.



Le 2016-08-12 à 18:22, "Luca Daghino"@Libero a écrit :
Hello all,
I've seen on page 29 of the bh guide 3.5 that, while talking about the
jdbc connection in the previous pages, at a certain point there's a
referring to the direct connection to a mysql db; as this passage is not
so clear (at least to me), isn't it better (for future guides of course)
to add a statement (more or less) like the following?

"...but it does give a visible indication of the direct connection." ->
"...but it does give a visible indication in case of a direct
connection, using a native MySQL connector (see page 24)."

Last... there is a little mistake on page 24:

"...for versions of LibreOffice from 3.5 onwads..." -> "...for versions
of LibreOffice from 3.5 onwards..."

It's the same also in the 4.0 bh guide.

Thank you! :)

Marc Paré
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