Hi *,

On Sun, Jul 31, 2016 at 11:56 AM, Jean-Baptiste Faure
<jbfa...@libreoffice.org> wrote:
> in the string jKbn9 in
> https://translations.documentfoundation.org/fr/libo_help/translate/scalc/guide.po#unit=108741441
> there is a tag <item type="keycode"/>, if I keep this tag Pootle detects
> a "valid xml" error and if I remove it it detects an "xml tag" error
> which means, if I am not wrong, that my translation does not have the
> same xml tags as the reference string.
> I guess this tag is erroneous, am I right?

Yes. It is pointless to have that tag without value.It is like having
<strong/> in text.

> At least this tag could be a
> closing tag but there isn't any corresponding opening tag.

No. It is a tlag that closes itself. like <br/> it is contraption of
<br></br> for empty tag it should only appear as self-closing, so
<br></br> is considered bad and <br/> is the only valid one.

Self-closing/empty tags only make sense where the info is provided in
attributes, like <image src="/path/to/file"/> for example.

So empty item tag is pointless and wrong.


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