Hello Gio

Good news indeed. Please suggest the gug team to submit a paper for
LATINOWARE 2016 conference on the triple border.



Em 25/07/2016 21:20, Giovanni Caligaris escreveu:
> Hello Everyone
> Recently I have reached out for the second time to the Paraguayan
> Government (Secretary of Politics and Linguistics) about joining forces
> to complete the localization of Guarani.
> Today I have received their confirmation to go forward with the
> translation project.
> It reads as follows:
>> Estimado Giovanni:
>> Con mucho agrado recibimos tus respuestas a las consultas anteriores.
>> Luego de conversar con los responsables de la Facultad Politécnica y
>> de contar con el consentimiento de ellos, te comento que solamente
>> tenemos pendiente la firma de renovación de nuestro convenio y allí ya
>> inscribiremos este proyecto para trabajar con el mismo esquema seguido
>> para la traducción de Mozilla.
>> Estamos muy contentos por esta posibilidad y pienso que
>> aproximadamente dentro de un mes podríamos avanzar con el desarrollo
>> del proyecto. En principio, se puede iniciar completando lo que falta
>> por hacer y luego se pasa por un proceso de validación completa de lo
>> traducido en ambas fases (la inicial que trabajaste y esta segunda
>> etapa, en un esfuerzo interinstitucional). Estamos muy animados por la
>> posibilidad de emplear el teclado en guaraní, sobre todo al saber que
>> no tiene costo alguno.
>> Esperando continuar esta comunicación para seguir planificando el
>> trabajo, te saludo deseándote todo tipo de bendiciones y éxitos.
>> Maitei rory!!
>> Ladislaa
> English translation
>> Dear Giovanni:
>> After talking with the BoD of the Polytechnical School (Universidad
>> Nacional de Asuncion) we have their consent (to move forward with the
>> translation). As of now, we are waiting for the approval of our
>> renewed agreement with the University, from there we can begin to work
>> on this project with the same scheme followed for the translation of
>> Mozilla.
>> We are excited about this possibility and think that within a month we
>> could move forward with the development of this project. To start, we
>> will finish the final stage of the translation. From there we will
>> start a process of validation which we will do in two parts (the
>> initial one you worked on and the second stage completed by us in an
>> inter-agency effort with the University). We are also looking forward
>> to the possibility of being able to use the Guarani keyboard layout
>> that you designed, especially knowing that there will be no cost.
>> Hoping to continue communication to discuss more work, wishing you
>> many blessings and success.
>> Maitei rory!!
>> Ladislaa
> Hopefully this will lead to the Dictionary and Documentation and other
> projects of LibreOffice in Guarani.
> I'll keep the community updated as things progress.
> -Gio

Olivier Hallot
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