OK then,

2016-06-16 13:09 GMT+02:00 Eike Rathke <er...@redhat.com>:

> > Also, can a user toggle this rule (on/off)?
> No. S/he could only create a user-defined number format and use that
> instead, but the default when entering a percent value into an
> unformatted cell will always be the format from locale data.

Is there any plan or rationale (also for other languages) to further
develop these rules to apply differently to different texts (i.e.
spreadsheets and text documents)?

I will push for a test period and really ask users to report back in time
to change this back latest with RC3. Is that feasible? RC2 is just too soon
to get a proper feedback. And I do not want a release to disrupt the way
that users work.

Also, does this mean that this is already in place/working with 5.2b2? If
so, I can ask Slovenian users to already try this out and report back.

Thanks, m.

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