Hello Jean Baptiste

The source of this information states "consistent" (bug 97021) but I
agree that mathematicaly, "consistent" does not mean much and the
context call for "constant" instead.

Poking Winfried...

Kind regards


Em 08/05/2016 07:57, Jean-Baptiste Faure escreveu:
> Hi,
> Trying to translate UI for FORECAST_ETS_ADD function, I read its online
> help to understand what this function does.
> In the help we have
> "The time line values must have a consistent step between them."
> and
> "If a constant step can't be identified in the sorted time line, the
> functions will return the #NUM! error."
> So I wonder if the correct word in the first sentence is not "constant"
> instead of "consistent".
> In the UI (string YD83z) the word "consistent" is used too.
> Can somebody confirm or infirm the correct use on "consistent". If it si
> confirmed, what does mean "a consistent step" in this case?
> Best regards.

Olivier Hallot
Comunidade LibreOffice
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil - Local time: UTC-03

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