Hi Cor

Thank you for your valuable input. I can see the Classification toolbar,
with the default classification categories in master.
This feature is recurrently demanded in many organizations where
confidentiality rankings of business documents is required.

I also see that the classification levels and nomenclature can be
customized by the sysadmin in the file example.xml in the paths options.

"Apply Document Classification"
"Classify Document Security"
"Document Security Information"
"Document Security Level"

Kind regards


Em 08/04/2016 04:09, Cor Nouws escreveu:
> Hi Olivier,
> Olivier Hallot wrote on 07-04-16 23:26:
>> What is the meaning of "Apply Document Classification" and where I can
>> see it?
>> GenericCommands.xcu
>> ..GenericCommands.UserInterface.Popups..uno:ClassificationApply Label
>> value.text
> There is work ongoing to implement the possibility to apply and use
> secure and trusted classification in LibreOffice.
> Recently Miklos wrote some blog about this:
>  http://vmiklos.hu/blog/libreoffice-signature-descriptions.html
>  http://vmiklos.hu/blog/libreoffice-sha256-signatures.html
>  http://vmiklos.hu/blog/ooxml-signature-import.html
> As you can read, the work is sponsored by the Dutch Ministry of Defense.
> If you use a recent master, in Writer, Calc and Impress there is the
> toolbar Classification.
> In the Paths options there is classification too.
> There will be more documentation about this.
> Regards,
> Cor

Olivier Hallot
Comunidade LibreOffice

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