Hi Emin,
Le 30/03/2016 17:58, Emin Mastizada a écrit :
> Hello, there is no currently Azerbaijani language support in LibreOffice
> project. I already started translation of project in pootle (version:
> master).
> Looks like currently everybody can directly submit translations, can we
> change it to suggestion?

From what I see:
- default: can only make suggestions
- elxan: can make suggestions and translations
- shukur: has admin rights on the project
- Emperyan: can make suggestions and translations
- cjl cans make suggestions and translations
- paulzercy: has admin rights

> Also I will need admin access for [az] locale in pootle to add our team
> members from Mozilla Azerbaijani L10n team.

Did you contact the other admins of the project, they are able to give
you more rights. In case they don't answer, we are also able to do it
but prefer the team to manage their own contributors :)
> What else needs to be done and where we can localize web parts
> (libreoffice.org)?

it's explained on the wiki here:

Let me know if you need help

Sophie Gautier sophie.gaut...@documentfoundation.org
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The Document Foundation

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