On 29/02/2016 10:59, Michael Bauer wrote:

> Ah ok I get it, you don't mean locales LO is technically able to provide
> but in terms of practical handling by the end user.

For the immediate future, practical handling is critical.
However, there are a couple of technical issues that might be
problematic, were LibO to have support more than a couple of thousand
language/locale combinations.

> Broadly agree with all your points. I think the whole locale handling of LO 
> needs hauled over from start to finish.

> I haven't even gotten as far on my list of annoyances as smart locale
selection (which is what you seem to be driving at)

I'm not a fan of smart locale selection, mainly because I'm more
familiar with it failing, than operating correctly. (XFCE consistently
generates an error message "unknown locale" because it recognizes
neither the self-selected "smart locale selection", nor my attempts to
fix that selection.)

> I think if we moved to a langpack approach, we could do a lot more smart 
> stuff i.e.

That works if the initial selection is for the primary language/locale
that is used.

>> Whilst using "Greek, Ancient" usually works, both the spell checker and
>> grammar checker will do a number on one, when one is not paying close
>> attention.
> Couldn't that be fixed by a better name?

Naming conventions are based upon ISO/SIL recommendations.

There are 4 ISO 396-3 Codes:
* Cappadocian;
* Modern;
* Mycenaean;
* Ancient;
None of those are Koine Greek.
Whilst the differences between them are subtle, they are enough that
both spell checking and grammar checking fail, if one uses them instead
of Koine Greek. "Fail", as in a significant percentage of false
positives are generated."

> This is one I've not run into - what do you mean they can't be
> configured in a single LO setup? As in, I can't pick French, Breton and
> Basque in one run of the installer or at all?

This depends upon which languages one is wanting to use.

Say one uses both Bastia and Bonifacio. How do you configure LibO so
that the recipient of the document will be able to spell check/grammar
check content in both languages? ISO 639-2 code for both is cos. I
_think_ it is ISO 369-6 that enables office suites, etc. to correctly
differentiate between the two languages.


Precisely because it is FLOSS, I suspect that either LibO or AOo will be
the first office suite to have spell checking, and grammar checking for
endangered and minority languages.

> of LO (and other word processors) which is to actively pull the text
> locale from the users keyboard. It's driving me and anyone else using
> keyboard A for language B nuts.

What's worse is when Keyboard A is for a writing system that language B
can not use.


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