Hi Michael, *,

On Sun, Dec 20, 2015 at 2:08 PM, Michael Bauer <f...@akerbeltz.org> wrote:
> Had a request for Frisian (fy)

why "fy" and not "fry"? There seem to be three dominant variants...

> so I added UI_master and Website via the
> admin panel but nothing is showing. Is the system slow, buggy or did I
> forget to flick some switch?

It's a change in pootle that I also did stubmle upon when creating the
en-AU project.
pootle now doesn't do any template updating/conversion on its own
anymore, this stuff has to be done on the commandline.

You could have created Frisian files on your system and then upload them.

I did it on commandline on pootle server and the files should now show up.


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