
This is my personal and rant opinion: I don't watch tutorials videos
because they are boring 99% of the time.

The only exception I know that stick me in a tutorial is to watch
wink[1] tutorials/sketches.

Wink takes timed frames of the screen/window in a tutorial sequence and
chain them into Macromedia flash screens where there is room to insert
callouts, audio, extra images and mouse movements. These
sketches/callouts can be translated.

A 30 sec wink sketch is extremely effective. The user control the pace
of the sketch: pause / backward / forward. The flash files can be easily
packed, distributed and linked in our help system and even hosted in TDF

Wink use Macromedia Flash as output. That is an issue. I have not found
any equivalent technology open source (HTML5?) and wink does to seem to
be very active these days, although the author is still alive in forums.

[1] http://www.debugmode.com/wink/

My 2 cents.

Kind regards


Em 09/12/2015 16:50, Sophie Gautier escreveu:
> Hi Robert, all,
> Le 9 déc. 2015 18:33, "Joel Madero" <jmadero....@gmail.com> a écrit :
>> Sorry didn't include Robert in the message - adding him. @Robert - please
> read below.
>> On Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 9:32 AM, Joel Madero <jmadero....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Robert,
>>> So the news is not good (at least in my opinion). Of course you can
> continue doing the videos but it seems like because you can't speak in 200
> languages we can't link it in the help files. Having English only would
> interfere with locale teams (I'm still unclear how but I'm no expert there
> and one of the experts has guaranteed me that such a link would have dire
> affects on the community).
> So let me reformulate it a bit differently. First Robert, thanks a lot for
> your contributions.
> What we do not want in localised version is content in en_US language. Even
> if the sound is translated, UI still will be in English and it's very
> difficult to focus on what you learn when all what you see is in a foreign
> language.
>>> So what you could do is just create a youtube channel and post the
> videos...obviously visibility would be substantially less but, that's where
> we are.
> There are lot of other ways to advertise content created by the community.
> For example post each uploaded video to a twitter dedicated account linked
> to a FB and G+ pages,  post to the documentation blog, etc
>>> You could then create a wiki somewhere useful that links to your videos.
> That's another possibility and link it to the site
>>> Wish I had better news - I'm still looking into the possibilities but
> right now there seems to be a big blocker in getting such a cool addition
> to the product.
> Yes for the product, that does not mean it's the only way to give
> visibility to Robert's contributions.
> Cheers
> Sophie
>>> Best,
>>> Joel
>>> On Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 9:01 AM, Sophie <gautier.sop...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Sorry for the direct message, was suppose to go on the list
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Sophie
>>>> -------- Message transféré --------
>>>> Sujet : Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Video Tutorial Link in Help
>>>> Date : Wed, 9 Dec 2015 18:00:35 +0100
>>>> De : Sophie <gautier.sop...@gmail.com>
>>>> Pour : Joel Madero <jmadero....@gmail.com>
>>>> Hi Joel,
>>>> Le 09/12/2015 17:35, Joel Madero a écrit :
>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>> We have a volunteer (Robert Alexander) who has started making some
> tutorial
>>>>> videos that are supposed to coincide with help files.
>>>>> My hope is that we can figure out some way to link these files within
> the
>>>>> help itself. Any thoughts on that being a possibility? If we use
> youtube
>>>>> (at least at the beginning) I believe that translating is possible for
>>>>> subtitles.
>>>>> A couple examples are below:
>>>>> https://youtu.be/Q8V-5yeTHCM
>>>>> https://youtu.be/DtEzyM28rlc
>>>>> Thoughts much appreciated. This would obviously be an ongoing task
> but I
>>>>> think that having tutorials for lots of features would be quite
> helpful for
>>>>> those who aren't capable or interested in reading help files (for
> whatever
>>>>> reason).
>>>> But UI will still be in English, and handling translations in Youtube is
>>>> not really ideal. Also, lot of people don't have external internet
>>>> access or have YT blocked in their company so they won't be able to
>>>> access them anyway.
>>>> The best would be to create a dedicated playlist on TDF channel like we
>>>> have done for French, see:
>>>> https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0pdzjvYW9RFl1ZRu8MkE3QxWQSt7Xktk
>>>> and link it to the documentation on the wiki.
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Sophie
>>>> --
>>>> Sophie Gautier sophie.gaut...@documentfoundation.org
>>>> GSM: +33683901545
>>>> IRC: sophi
>>>> Co-founder - Release coordinator
>>>> The Document Foundation
>>>> --
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>>> --
>>> Joel Madero
>>> LibreOffice QA Volunteer
>>> jmadero....@gmail.com
>> --
>> Joel Madero
>> LibreOffice QA Volunteer
>> jmadero....@gmail.com

Olivier Hallot
Comunidade LibreOffice

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