Hi Sophie, *.

On Wed, Nov 25, 2015 at 11:52 AM, Sophie <gautier.sop...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Kendy, all,
> Le 25/11/2015 11:09, Jan Holesovsky a écrit :
>> #. ZxQeC
>> #: main0000.xhp
>> msgctxt ""
>> "main0000.xhp\n"
>> […changed to…]
>> #. ZxQeC
>> #: 0000-Welcome-to-the-officename-Calc-Help.xhp
>> msgctxt ""
>> "0000-Welcome-to-the-officename-Calc-Help.xhp\n"
>> Sorry for not being precise in my question previously, but first I
>> needed to understand how exactly the .xhp's map to the .po files :-)
>> Does this work / is this change possible without much hassle?
> this result on changing the msgctxt, so all the files will be changed.

But this is a change that can be easily scripted, have a map oldname →
newname and then  run a script over the files replacing the filename.
Much easier to do than the help-ID changes in the past, since you
don't need to manually account for "shifts" in the changes.

> We should also check with Dwayne if it's not used in some
> indexation/search processes on Pootle.

indexes can be recreated, so no hurdle in itself..


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