Hello Everyone

I've created a Guarani thesaurus extension that has about 1500 words. I know the Windows installation automatically includes the language packages for auto correct and thesaurus. I am wondering if the extension I made could be included to the next LO 5.1 release.

This way, I am slowly managing to make LibreOffice in Guarani a complete and only Office Suite in an indigenous language. I know of someone who has created the auto-correct extension for Guarani and I am trying hard to convince him to also include his work to LO.

I am not sure if this is related to LibreOffice but I've also created a Guarani keyboard layout for Win/Linux/Mac adding all the missing vocals and symbols (ãẽĩõũỹḡ ₲ Paraguayan money sign), making it much easier for Guarani speakers to type their documents.

If anyone is interested this is my twitter account




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