Hi Jay,

obviously you should learn more about natural languages.

Please read this:

I can give you a simple example for Slovenian:
ImageMap Editor = Urejevalnik slik s povezavami
ImageMap = Slika s povezavami

Do you get it now? Placeholder for "ImageMap" in Slovenian cannot be
used. End of story.

Not to mention there are far more complex languages in the l10n pool
of LO, so programming sentences is really out of the question for

Please undo all your changes in the code/pot files.


2015-11-01 18:42 GMT+01:00 Yousuf 'Jay' Philips <philip...@hotmail.com>:
> Hi Lera and all,
> Yes these have been my changes in order to reduce duplication of
> translations, which is what <embed> and <embedvar> is used for.
> With that particular example, we had 'ImageMap' as regular text in all
> module main0102.xhp files, which meant that 'ImageMap' was being translated
> 4 or more times, as the help page title is 'ImageMap Editor'. So using
> <embedvar>, i eliminated having this duplication.
> I dont see an issue that translators would need to place the translated word
> for ImageMap in the necessary position. Example in Russian:
> "Редактор <variable id=\"imagemap_part_title\">Сенсорного
> изображения</variable>"
> Yousuf 'Jay' Philips
> On 11/01/2015 04:46 PM, Lera wrote:
>> В письме от 1 ноября 2015 02:20:09 пользователь Martin Srebotnjak написал:
>>> Hi,
>>> with 5.1 help strings I see changes like this (this one is
>>> hd_id3156150 from helpcontent2/source/text/writer.po):
>>> old version in 5.0:
>>> "<link href="text/shared/01/02220000.xhp"
>>> name="ImageMap">ImageMap</link>"
>>> in 5.1 it gets changed to:
>>> "<link href="text/shared/01/02220000.xhp"
>>> name="ImageMap"><embedvar_href="text/shared/01/02220000.xhp#imagemap_part_ti
>>> tle"/></link>"
>>> In another help text string (hd_id3150502 in
>>> /helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po) "ImageMap Editor"
>>> got changed with 5.1 into:
>>> "<variable id=\"imagemap_part_title\">ImageMap</variable> Editor">"
>> This is a good finding. But capitalization of letters is not the biggest
>> problem. The paragraph “ImageMap Edite” cannot be translated correctly in
>> Slavonic languages (Russian and others), because they have different case-
>> endings. For example, “ImageMap Edite” is translated into Russian as
>> «Редактор
>> Сенсорного изображения», but  “ImageMap”  is translated as «Сенсорное
>> изображение». This situation can be avoided, if the word “Edite” is
>> deleted
>> from the article title.
>> In my opinion, the title “ImageMap Edite” for this article is good looking
>> and
>> reflects the article content. So, I offer to delete <embedvar
>> href="text/shared/01/02220000.xhp#imagemap_part_title"/> from files
>> source/text/swriter/main0102.xhp, source/text/simpress/main0102.xhp and
>> source/text/scalc/main0102.xhp and replace it with “ImageMap”.
>> Best regards,
>> Lera

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