Hi all,

Just a reminder that, if you are holding a LibreOffice event OR participating at a conference and presenting LibreOffice, please leave a note on this mailing list and I will post it on our events calendar[1]. Alternatively, you can email me to let me know, but best if you just leave a note on this list and I will notice the event.

* Note that if you are taking part in an event, could you also list it on our events wiki page[2]? If you need help, just mention it here and one of us will add it to the wiki page.

It is good PR to show how active a community we are at events.



[1] https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/EventsCalendar
[2] https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Events

Marc Paré
parEntreprise.com Supports OpenDocument Formats (ODF)
parEntreprise.com Supports http://www.LibreOffice.org

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