On 13 August 2015 at 06:59, Veneto ABC <veneto....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi everybody!
> From last update to the Pootle server (about one month ago) my group of
> Venetian localization have noticed some problems with the Pootle platform:
> - first: we translate in Venetian from two languages, English and Italian,
> and when we click over + symbol to copy text in Italian language, the text
> copied is in English language!

Indeed we spotted that a few days ago and its fixed
https://github.com/translate/pootle/issues/3927 so will appear when we next
update Pootle for LibreOffice.

> - second: the tips (in yellow fields), under the text field where inert
> translation, often are not coherent with context of translation.
> Someone have noticed the same problem?

I think you mean the Translation Memory results?  If I'm correct the
concern is that it seems to be very generous in what it suggests?  We have
another related issue that it seems to sometimes misses 100% matches.

We're using a different Translation Memory engine to provide local TM and
I'm still investigating these two side effect.  It uses Levenshtein
Distance as we did previously but somehow the search is not a rigerous and
much more accepting of distances.

Issues are:

> Thank you for your attention and good summer holidays to all :-)

Thanks for the reports.  Note that you can also report such issues directly
against the Pootle project via
https://github.com/translate/pootle/issues/new which makes sure these
issues don't get lost.

But I do pick up issue here that are brought up.


+27 12 460 1095 (work)

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