Back when I first started translating there was an issue with the language code. It was called 'gn' but on the master branch. Few months later they told me that it was going to be renamed to 'gug' and it was transfer to libo44_ui and told me to leave the master branch alone. Later renamed Guarani (old) 'gn'. As you can see from the link above.

I just don't want it to be confusion a few days before the release. That's all.

On 02/08/15 18:10, Martin Srebotnjak wrote:

5.0 will be made out of master, not 4.4. If you have been working mostly or only on 4.4, then 4.4 translations should be taken into master and from there on to 5.0 (or 5.0.1).

Lp, m.

2015-08-03 0:07 GMT+02:00 Giovanni Caligaris < <>>:


    I've been trying to test the most updated versions of l10n-gug but
    every time I've downloaded and compiled again it keeps giving me
    an old outdated translation from weeks ago.

    I have compiled in other language codes such as "ca", "gu" and
    others to make sure it wasn't just compiling the same "gug"
    translation from before.

    I am not sure if its because the zips from pootle are not getting
    updated or simply my computer is just not building well.

    I didn't have this problem back with the older pootle. Just recently

    Also, I just installed LO from the link above (DEB). I
    also noticed that the "gug" language pack from this site it is
    even more outdated. It worries me a bit, I hope thats not the
    translation that will be in the release date. I have been making
    tons of progress.

    Is anyone else having this problem?


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