As an alternative you can download the .deb packages from
http://dev-builds.libreoffice.org/pre-releases/ and install with a script:


echo "*********************"
echo "Version is $Version"
echo "Installing application $InstallPack"
sudo dpkg -i $InstallPack/DEBS/*.deb
echo "*********************"
echo "Installing language $LanguagePack"
sudo dpkg -i $LanguagePack/DEBS/*.deb
echo "*********************"
echo "Installing help $HelpPack"
sudo dpkg -i $HelpPack/DEBS/*.deb
echo "*********************"
echo "Done installing"


2015-07-15 20:33 GMT+02:00 Giovanni Caligaris <giovannicaliga...@gmail.com>:

> Hello
> I've been following the development of LO 5.0 very closely lately and I am
> aware that RC4 should be starting within the next few days.
> I am using linux and have been testing LO 5.0 from the pre-releases ppa (
> https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/ubuntu/libreoffice-prereleases).
> I am very excited for this new version and so far it is looking great! I
> was wondering if any of the new languages will be added to ppa anytime
> soon? I noticed the guarani l10n-gug is still not there, and maybe other
> new languages as well.
> Personally, I am not a fan of building LO from source, mostly because
> internet here in Paraguay is slow and also because it takes too long to
> build.
> Thanks
> -Gio
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