Hi Mateusz,
Le 08/07/2015 19:01, Mateusz Zasuwik a écrit :
> Hey
> I fixed this nuisance.
Thanks a lot!
> I have question and announcement for you.
> Polish LoCo Team doesn't exist. There no one left. I am (was) the last
> volunteer. Some days ago I took a try of contact with some officials from
> big cities where LibreOffice has been installed on many PC instances. I
> asked them if they could sponsor work at new translations (issue is in
> progress).

ok, I wish you success in your project.
> Why is there in Poole master branch? I corrected strings in both versions
> (4.4 + master), but maybe I shouldn't event touch branch master?

The workflow has changed, you can now begin translation on master branch
to have less to translate at one time when branching is done.


Sophie Gautier sophie.gaut...@documentfoundation.org
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