HiI am writing here because I couldn't find a better place on Libre office web 
site. I hope its the right place.
My problem is as follows:In Bulgaria the standart for the decimal separator is 
"," (comma), but most of the people here use dot ".". I wanted to change that 
but with no luck. Then I decided to rebuild the project on my own with the 
changed locale settings. my modified locale file is attached to this email. I 
followed the instructions here 
https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/BuildingOnWindows. It took me a 
day to make it and in the end i worked fine with the new locales.. 
So the problem is that this doesn't make a installable .exe or .msi and I 
cannot get it and install it on other computers. So please help me doing that . 
I will be glad if you can suggest a way of bouilding it as a full installable 
package or if someone can build it for me with the new locales.
Thanks in advance and hope this is the right place to ask.

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