Hi Donaldo,

On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 7:11 AM, Donald <donr2...@clear.net.nz> wrote:
> 1. IMO translating &amp; to a word which means "and" in the localization
> 2. In previous versions we took it that [None] was translatable. The

You can silence warnings in Pootle. Press the (-) mark next to the
error message beside the segment, and it will disappear and won't come
back for that segment. Naturally, a human can judge better corner
cases than a simple regexp matching algorithm.

> 3. What is the point of the second "\n" in this? I thought that the

These are very old strings in source code, and breaking lines manually
makes little sense today. You don't have to break your lines in your
translation, of you don't like. Just silence the Pootle warning next
to the segment. (I'm sure that someone will correct these en-US
strings sometimes, giving work to all translator again ;) ).


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