Le 17/06/2015 12:36, Joan Montané a écrit :
> 2015-06-16 13:26 GMT+02:00 Sophie <gautier.sop...@gmail.com>:
>> Hi all,
>> Good news and thanks to Dwayne's hard work, the migration is done and
>> Pootle is running on a new server. You can now reach it on the same
>> address as usual:
>> https://translations.documentfoundation.org/
> Great!!!
>> There is an error remaining: anyone with duplicate emails won't be able
>> to login. If it's your case, please report to this list and mention the
>> mail address we have to delete.
>> Please report any other issue you may encounter on this list.
>> Thanks to all for your patience, and thanks a lot to Dwayne too.
> Some issues,
> I'm leader for Catalan project and I has full rights in old Pootle. I could
> change other users rights. But now I'm unable to find administration
> section in new pootle.

Something I have to add to the Pootle guide, the Browse button on the
left has a little arrow, when you click on it, the last entry is
Permissions and let you manage the administration of your project


Sophie Gautier sophie.gaut...@documentfoundation.org
GSM: +33683901545
IRC: sophi
Co-founder - Release coordinator
The Document Foundation

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